Friday, May 30, 2014

Lps: FAKES!!
Hey guys! It's Anna here. Today I've got to tell you about LPS FAKES!!! They are ALL over ebay and other online shopping websites. In this post, I will tell you what websites to avoid buying lps on, and how to identify lps fakes. is a website where pretty much every single lps for sale, is a fake one. **STAY AWAY FROM THIS WEBSITE IF YOU DON'T WANT FAKES!!!** Lps on this website are extremely cheap, about 80-90 cents per petshop. Lots of 20 lps are for sale at around 18.00. They are really cheap!! But they are gross, terrible condition, demented, and ugly.
Fakes do not have bobble heads because in genuine (real) lps, their heads are connected with a little cylinder of plastic, allowing their head to bobble. But these fake ones are just a head glued on to the body. Another thing, these fakes are made out of a strange squishy plastic material. It's really cheap and feels kind of like a rubber duck.
 The color choices chosen for the fakes are terrible and don't blend well together. It looks as if they splashed random colors on them not paying attention to how they look so strange together.
These fakes are all dented and very dirty. Blotches of stray paint from a messy artist cover the face and body. They creators of the fakes are also stealing Hasbro's designs and "recreating" them or are just making them look weird. Well guys, that's all I have for today. Stay away from those ugly fakes!!
Here are a few images of the fakes.