Friday, June 20, 2014

A NEW LPS?!?!?!?!

Hey guys!!!!! It's Anna here!!!! Today, I was looking on ebay and I came across a great deal for a certain lps that I was looking for! Later today, I noticed that there were only a few minutes left! So, I just tried and bid on it, not expecting to win, but when I checked back I saw that I DID win!!! :D I'm so happy! And anyway, this is what I might be getting off of ebay!!!!!!:
As you can see, it includes BROOKLYN HAYES FROM LPS POPULAR!!!!!!!
It also has two horses! I will name the white horse silver and the brown one brownie. I chose those names because they are just typical horse names. The cat's name will remain Brooklyn because I feel that is the appropriate name for her. It comes will ALL of the accessories from the raceabout ranch, except for one blue saddle. I don't really care though! This was an auction obviously, and I will end up paying 42.76 for it. Considering that these are all retired pets, there is a shorthair cat, Brooke is a major lps popular character, and that everything is in perfect condition and almost all accessories are present, that is a pretty good price for it. The pets numbers are:
This set comes with: 3 pets, a blue coat hanger, a blue harness, a pink harness, a pink pail, a bowl of hay, a pink cowboy hat, a yellow cowboy hat, a pink horse saddle, a pink wagon, a blue food bowl, a purple fish, a purple brush, a pink hurdle, a purple hurdle, a gold trophy, two blue ribbons, a blue flag, and a pink flag.
If I do get this, check out my channel for the unboxing!

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