Tuesday, July 15, 2014

LPS: Scarp Fabric Custom Outfits!!

Hey guys! Anna here. So I was bored and I found some doll clothes that I didn't need (AT ALL) and I noticed that they were pretty textured, detailed, and unique. So after about an hour, I finished these LPS costumes. I didn't use any ideas from any videos, I just made these myself.

Yep. I know they aren't that good, but I guess they're okay. I made a striped dress, a big bow, another bow (a little smaller), a blue ruffle dress, a metallic silver dress, a denim jacket/shirt, a hero costume, and I found some star ear rings on a doll so I removed them and put them on my cat. (The Brooke cat.) well... That's all! Bye people of the world!
❤️- Anna

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