Friday, November 28, 2014

Lively Super Pet

Okay people I just had probably the biggest FACEPALM EVER!
I just saw something called "Lively Pet Show" and if the name is not idiotic enough, lets actually see what they are. Fist off, they are some weird Chinese version if Littlest Pet Shop. You may remember a post I made a while ago about a different brand of lps fakes called lovely pet show, but now we are at a whole new level. In other words, these are FAKE lps that are really weird and just a copy of Hasbro's original work. Now, want to see? Okay, you asked for it.....


  1. But there still kinda cute and are definitely still usable LIKE lps

  2. Replies
    1. I found the pictures on the internet, but there is a video in YouTube of a girl I think her username is LPSpinkpawproductions, and she opens a lively super pet cocker spaniel. And I know,p they are usable, but wouldn't you rather have a real lps?
