Thursday, June 5, 2014


Hey guys! It's Anna here. Today I have some cool stuff to tell you! Obviously, most of the time, littlest pet shops are bought from eBay. In this post, I will tell you some tips to make you MOST LIKELY to win what you want. THERE IS NO SAYING THAT YOU WILL WIN FOR SURE!!! So please DONT get mad at me if you don't win! Now. This method of  bidding on auctions is new to me, and I've only used it once. But... I did win that time! Anyways.. To win, I use a method called sniping. WAIT WAIT DONT LEAVE! You may have heard of sniping before. But... Many people KNOW about sniping already, so they might try it out on YOU. For those of you who don't know what sniping is, it's bidding on the item you want at the last few seconds. Now, let's get to the good part. What you do is you have to think of you MAXIMUM price you will pay. This will be your bidding price. The awesome thing about eBay is that even though you bid you maximum price, you only have to end up paying the most recent bid. Now anyway, a really great tip is to have your maximum price be a wierd number, like if my maximum bid is 38.00, I would make it 38.77 or something strange like that. Most people bid in whole numbers, it will be so epic to see that you won by a few cents only! Next, a great tip to know is to either have a watch or a clock nearby, or just have two tabs open. What I mean by this is have one tab open that's showing the time when the auction is ending. Have another tab that has you bid already put in and all you need to do is press the confirm button. What to do, is keep one tab on the time, and when it hits 7-10 seconds, quickly switch tabs and press confirm! The other person will not have enough time to enter the bid and confirm. Therefore, you win!! Now for some more tips! Make sure that the person selling the item is selling it for what it's actually worth. Now, I know I know... Lps #675 for instance is so frequently sold for 100$ or more, it's kind of normal for it to be so expensive. But I didn't buy my 675 for 100$. I was patient and waited around for a good deal. I was so happy I did because I actually got her and a few other really awesome pets and accessories, including the huge waggin tails fitness center playhouse for only 40$! Now anyway, once you make sure the seller is selling the item for what it's actually worth, you are ready to bid! Now I know! It's so so so sooooo tempting to just go ahead and bid your maximum price, but you must wait! Someone could quickly outbid you, so it's mandatory to wait for the last second to get the highest chance of winning! Another good thing to do is frequently check the bid history to see how much a person might want an item. If there is like 16 bids and there is only two people bidding, it's kind of like their fighting over it, so it's best to stay out of it and find something else. Then again, you could simply snipe it and that will be the end of that! Okay guys so that is all I have for today. I really really hope this helps! Thank you!!

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