Tuesday, June 24, 2014


Hi guys! So, I have been seeing a lot of comments on videos saying that a certain lps is really expensive, so I'm here to help. The two main lps I see in comments are Savannah Reed (#675) and Brooklyn Hayes (#339). So first off, I got MY savvy for only 47.00 but she also came with the giant wagging tails fitness center playhouse, a bunch of accesories, and a few more pets including a beagle and another dachshund! Brooklyn is actually supposed to be at my house TOMMOROW!!! (I hope she comes) and I got her for 40.00 with all of the accesories from raceabout ranch, I also got the two horses that came with it! Those are examples to show you that there ARE good deals, you just have to find them. For instance, I found savvy accidentally in that lot and I won her. See what I mean? Just search for lots or playhouses, also check craiglist! I live in Missouri, and the craiglist here has a lot of 50 lps for 25$ and it includes SAVVY, a dachshund, a shorthair, some more cats and dogs, and lot of other stuff! So keep an eye out for different websites and deals. Also, if you're part of a forum look for givaways! Giveaways can get you the lps you want for cheap price or even FREE if you trade. Post trade videos on youtube and on a blog/website. BROWSE trade videos on youtube and blogs/websites. Now, I'm not allowed to go on givaways and trades, but this is for YOU not for me. I'm sure many of you are allowed. If you don't know.. Ask your parents! Don't keep it all a secret! Sometimes even parents can help. Sure they are not LPS collectors and may not be very serious about lps, but they can help if you find something good if you REALLY want something. I mean, I can't guarantee that you will ever find your dream lps. I just KNOW that I will never find the lps that I want more than why right now.... I want...  TOM DAWSON. OH MY DOG. everytime I see him in a video I close out and never watch it again because I just want him THAT BAD. The only chance I have is my birthday, but seeing the prices on ebay, even THAT won't happen. But whatever about me. I hope this helped YOU.
❤️- Anna

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