Saturday, August 30, 2014


Hey people!!!!! Sorry I have not been posting anything in a REALLY long time, but I have school now, and I can't really have enough time to post. Also, I can't really think of anything to post... So yeah. Anyway, here is an update about my youtube channel.
So guys, I have 85 subscribers at the moment. My birthday is on November 2nd. I was REALLY hoping that you guys could help me out with something. I REALLY REALLY would LOVE to have 100 subscribers before my birthday. I only need 15 right now, so could you guys PLEASE consider subscribing? Link to my channel:
You WILL NOT regret subscribing I PROMISE. If you love LPS then you will love my channel. Thank you guys so much :)
Now, since I have school and everything, I won't have time to make videos very often, BUT, I do have breaks, extended weekends, and those days when I just don't have a lot of homework. So I will still be making videos, but not as often. Okay guys that's all. Now remember, subscribe and never miss a single ANNA LPS video!!

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