Saturday, September 6, 2014


Hi everyone! Anna here. So.... I haven't been on my youtube in like FOREVER. And I'm so sorry :( but I just don't have any time or ideas. SOOOOO... I am going to tell all you Anna Lps fans some GOOD NEWS. I WILL BE MAKING A SERIES SOON!! :D BUT... It will probably ONLY work out on ONE condition. I am bidding on an item off ebay. And if I lose or am not able to get it, the series will just be a big pile of poop on fire. I'm trying to get this set which is JUST AWESOME. I've been trying to find it for a year and half already and I finally found one, BUT IT'S BIDDING :( Just saying, I NEVER win ANY bids. But hey, it's worth a shot. I REALLY REALLY REALLY want this set. Okay guys enough about me and my problems, just wanted to let you know about an upcoming series. Bye!

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