Sunday, September 7, 2014

Lps Prices on Ebay

Seriously people... I was just on ebay looking at some lps. So just for fun, I searched up the main Lps Popular characters. I knew they would be expensive, but when I saw the prices for them, I was shocked. Are you ready to see a few random ones I picked out straight from ebay?

I'm so glad that I have all of these pets already, but to all the people who don't... I can't believe this. This is completely ridiculous. 100 DOLLARS FOR A SMALL PEICE OF PAINTED PLASTIC?! SERIOUSLY?!?!?! 😑
UGH. Okay guys. There is nothing we can really do about this, but get these lps before they reach the 1000s already seriously. I got my Sage for free from my friend, I got savvy for 47.00 in a big lot thing off ebay, I got Brooke for 40.00 from ebay with the whole set she came with, and I had to pay 20.00 FREAKING DOLLARS FOR TOM. At least I didn't have to pay like 70.00 dollars. Well. That's all for now. Bye, and good luck with getting your dream pets! 
❤️- Anna

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